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The Blue Room Cafe
The first shall be last and the last shall be first.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8 NKJV

A Time And Season For All Things
How long have you been writing books?I have been writing for a very long time. It started out as a way of keeping myself entertained when I was a child. I lived in a very rural area where there was not much to keep me busy. So I started journaling, and from there, it led me to writing books.
What inspired you to write your first book?What inspired me to write my first book was my love for God. I was so thankful to be apart of the Christian family. Knowing that I am loved by God, and knowing He wanted me, it was very liberatinbg. It meant everything to me. He bought me a long way in life. I just wanted everybody to know about His great love for them. I desired they become apart of His family like I am. He's a great and loving God.
How many countries have you lived in or visited?That is a very good question, I have lived or visited twenty countries, most of them are in Europe. I really liked Germany and England the most. I lived four years in Germany and six years in England.
Since you have traveled to a lot of places, will you ever get to travel to Maine or Washington?"Maine and Washington are two of the states I have on my bucket list to visit. I would love to see what's up there and know what the people are like. I have heard so much about the states.
Are you writing another book?Yes, I am writing another book, and it should be published by the end of July this year. I am really excited about it. It is my first children's book. It was a lot of fun writing it and going through the process of getting it published. It is called "The Aerie: Finding Courage To Be Yourself."
How long does it take you to write your books?Thank you for asking! It all depends on the time of the year for me and what's going on in my life. Most of the time, I get inspired to write at the beginnig of the year. I started noticing my inspirational cycle over the years, and it is always the same. If I try to force the gift, it is just not there. So, I wait on the gift.
Where do you get your inspiration to write?I get my inspiration to write from a number of sources. It can come from my life experiences, my travels, my family, heartaches, loss, love, or simply just a walk in the woods. But my number one place of inspiration comes from God.
Do you ever get writer's block, and what do you do when you get it?"Yes, I get writer's block and it is real. When the gift to creative is flowing, it is a wonderful feeling and it flows. However, when it stops, it can be a downer. I have found that I cannot force it. So, I wait on it. Therefore, I take a step back from writing and do something else I enjoy. Sometimes I go for a walk when the weather permits me and other time, I visit with friends. Sometimes I exercise on my treadmill and other times, I work on making tie blankets to donate to others. Since I know it is a normal process for writer, I know its okay and all writers get it. Knowing this fact gives me permission to let it go for a while and take on something new and fresh. Like clock work, the creative flow for writing comes around again, and I begin to write. You have to find what works best for you.
When will your children's book be availale for purchase?My children's book "The Aerie" will be available for purchase at the end of July, if all goes well with publishing and production. Updates will be continually posted, so keep checking back with my me. Signup for my blog! It will keep you updated on the lastest news.
Will there be a sequel to "The Aerie"?Thank you for asking me. Yes, there will be one. I am working on it presently. It is called "The Return of Reggie the Red". If all goes well, I it will be ready for purchase in 2023? I will keep updates on its progress on my website and social media posts.
Are you a Christian?Yes, I am a Christian and I have been a disciple of Christ for over forty years. I was raised in the church. But it wasn't until I went to college that I found Jesus Christ, and I was Born Again into the Body of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. I will never forget it.
How long have you been serving in Christian Ministry?Thank you for asking. I have been serving in Christian ministry for twenty nine years. The year I was called of God in the five-fold ministry was really special to me. I am so grateful to serve God's people. It is a lot of hard work, but the rewards of seeing God's people grow in Christ is even more rewarding. I love what I do.

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