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Why I Wrote My Book



I wrote my book (A Father OF The Fatherless, A Father's Love, And A Daughter's Journey) to bring honor and glory to God the Father for what He had done in my life.  I wanted to say thank you to Him.  I am very grateful, and words cannot explain my gratefulness.   As I looked over my life, I felt so blessed by God’s grace and love that I wanted to share it with everyone.  In my heart, I felt His love would burst at times if I did not tell others of His love toward us.  I believe they can be made whole and complete by sharing His love with others.  Because of His love, I felt compelled to do something, and this was what I knew I could do to tell others of His great love for them. 



By sharing my life story, I hope that as others read my book “A Father Of The Fatherless,” they will accept the Word of God for themselves.  I also believe that if God did it for Cheryl, He would do it for you, too.  He is not a respectful person.   I believe He will do it for you. There is no place to low that He won’t come for you when you call on His name, Jesus.  There is no sin too great for which He won’t forgive you.  There is no one who is so worthless that He won’t love.  He is the Good Shepherd.  He is an awesome God! He is Abba, Father.



I share my story because there are many of us out there without hope who do not know we are so greatly loved by God the Father. They do not know we have a place in God’s family. The fatherless must know they have a heavenly Father who loves them and cares for them. I share His Word because it is what gives us validity and purpose. Start your new journey with Him today and experience the love of the Father through Jesus Christ.





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