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Challenge Yourselves. Winter Is Coming.

Writer's picture:  Cheryl J. Rountree Cheryl J. Rountree

You know, staying committed to new habits can be a challenge. It has been a struggle for me to stay committed and focused on a routine exercise program in times past. I would work hard all Spring and Summer to fall back into my old patterns during the Fall. And over time, the work that I gained during the Spring and Summer months, I lost to all the seasonal holiday dinners and festivities. Do you know that you will always come out with the same results if you keep repeating the same action? It is the law of repeated movements of insanity. No, there is no such law, laugh out loud. But it is insanity to think that different results will occur from repeating the same behavior. So it stroke me that, if I want different results, I much take other steps. My challenge was to obtain different outcomes from those of my previous actions. About two years ago, I purchased a "smartwatch," and everything changed. I was able to stay on track and change my behavior by the many Apps on my smartwatch. Its reminders help me maintain my goals. Praise the Lord; I obtained my desired results. I want to be truthful with you. If anyone ever told you that it is easy or some magic formula or pill to stay healthy in your personal desired health and weight, they are wrong.

I have been around in life long enough to know that there is no magic or easy way in it. Sometimes in life, I have not wanted to accept the truth about exercising and eating healthily. But in the end, I have to come to terms with ways of maintaining my healthy lifestyle, my ideal weight, and mental wellness. I accepted that it would only be accomplished by regular exercise, hard work, a balanced diet, and physical and psychological rest. Thank the Lord for His wisdom!

This Winter, it is crucial that we have plans for yourselves and how we will execute it. Have a plan for how you will keep yourself active, healthy, safe, and mentally engaged. Challenge yourselves by keeping in touch with your loved ones. Let them know that you love them and are grateful that they are in your life sharing the journey. Let them know how special they are to you. And do one more thing, appreciate who you are, and be kind to yourselves. Challenge yourselves to remain active and invest in your spiritual health, mental health, and physical health.

Some of the things I have learned as I have gotten older is to be kinder to myself. Handle my- self with care. I spent many years comparing myself to others and hating on myself. One day I was looking back on some old photos. I was in my late twenties and early thirties. Then it occurred to me. Why was I so hard on myself, especially with my weight? I was a small framed woman and could not see or hear myself because of comparing myself to other women. But on that day, I got the message. I began loving myself and appreciate who I was.

Winter is coming, and for some of us, it has already arrived. Therefore, challenge yourselves to go the distance by executing your plans for the harshness that winter can bring. Have a plan for mental healthiness, daily devotion with the Lord Jesus, and staying connected to your local church. And when you have made those plans, stick with them. Take advantage of physical activity by exercising through the winter months. You are worth it.

It would be unlike me if I did not encourage you to gird yourselves with the truth of God's Words. The most crucial area that will keep you, as the spiritual atmosphere has changed in our world, is to keep your eyes on Jesus and stay in the Word of God. Pray without ceasing. Put on the whole armor of God. Remember who you are in Christ Jesus, and trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your understanding.

I just finished my morning walk and workout, and it was great. I enjoy my walks and home gym workouts with my son. I thank God for my humble beginnings. Since we have entered a season of thanksgiving and gratefulness, I humble myself and say thank you to all who have supported and stood in prayer for my family and me. Blessings to you all!

I am loving life in my old age!

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