My thoughts were with you as I have celebrated the coming of another year, I am with a grateful heart. Every moment of life is precious, family and friends we have are to be cherished. As I look back over my life, I can recall spending my New Years in Germany, England, and Korea. Each nation had its own unique ways to bring the New Year in. But by far, my most favorites are those of my own country, the United States of America. We are a blessed nation.
My prayer for our nation and the world is that there will be peace on earth and goodwill toward mankind. We live in a beautiful world, and it has wonders beyond our imagination. There is much good in it; we are to care for it and preserve it for our children and their children. Though cruelty, violence, and injustices seem like it has taken the heart of mankind, I believe it is right in humanity, and it shall rule this earth, as we allow love to rule our hearts. What is the truth? I recall a man in history once asked that question to The Carpenter, as he was about to pronounce judgment upon him for the crimes of humanity. The Carpenter simple replied that He is The Truth, The Way, and The Life. My prayer is that those who know The Truth will live The Truth of Christ. I pray our lives will be congruent with the teachings of The Carpenter, Jesus Christ and reflect His character to the world. Let love, peace, and kindness be an active part of your daily living. It is possible.
Love, peace, truth, and righteous shall reign in the earth and in our hearts. 2019 shall be a year that displays these principles in the heart of mankind. Live and prosper. Love and be loved. Forgive and be set free. You have one life to live; live it for Christ. Live and enjoy your families and friends. The old has passed away, and today, new has come to you. Seize the day while you can! I shall see you on new journeys throughout the year 2019! Show the good!