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I Said To Myself, "It's A Wonderful World."

Writer's picture:  Cheryl J. Rountree Cheryl J. Rountree

Updated: Jun 21, 2018

One day I was sitting in my house thinking. And I looked out my window and said to myself, "Self, we need an adventure, lets get up and see what we can find. Lets see what new people we can meet." So, I hopped on a plane and flew to Germany. Once I got to Germany, I met up with my daughter. After tasting some of the cuisines of the country, I wanted to go a little further. So we hopped on a plane and flew to Israel.

Frankfurt, Germany

And when I got there, I found myself on a boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. Then I said, "Self, if we have come this far, we may as well see as much of this country as we can." So, we went to Jerusalem, Masada, Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Capernaum. We filled our bellies on Mediterranean foods and drinks. We floated in the waters of the most deadliest salty sea in the world, the Dead Sea. My most memorable experience was at the Western Wall of Jerusalem. It was life changing.

The Sea of Galilee

Surrounded by the many sights and sounds of the Middle East, I immersed myself in their culture and tasted a number of dishes I had never eaten before traveling to their beautiful country. I will never forget the sounds and sweet smells of the food markets and shopping arenas. Wall to wall, tourists were everywhere in the streets. It seems as if we all had a personal pilgrimage for traveling so far away from home. Souls of all kinds reached out to each other in kindness. We were as curious about them as they were about us. It was really a unique experience to listen to people from different nations speak of their love for life and their nation. One other thing that was unique, language was no barrier. We found ways to communicate with each other, though we did not know how to speak each other language. You would be amazed at how far body language and hand gestures can get you; it is universal. Love, joy, peace, welcome, come in, sit down, have some food, and laughter is the same when using nonverbal communication. We are as they are. It's a wonderful world.

Jerusalem, Israel

After touring two countries, I said to myself, "Self, it is time to go home. I miss my bed and I miss the rest of the family. So, we hopped on a plane flew back to Germany, and I made my way back home. We I arrive home, I had a new appreciation for home and the people around me. My world adventure taught me that we are the same no matter where you go. They want to live free, serve God, live in peace, enjoy family and food, prosper and be in good health. They want to laugh, love, marry, have children and continue the circle of life to the next generation. We may look different on the outside. And we may come from different cultures, but on the inside, we are all the same. It's a wonderful world.

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