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Life Is Short! Get Out And Explore!

Writer's picture:  Cheryl J. Rountree Cheryl J. Rountree

Sometimes we spend our whole life watching others doing what we desire to do, rather than getting out there and doing it for ourselves. I took a leap of faith and started writing about the world around me. So my blog is about the world around me. It's how I see it and what I do to connect to it. For example, I love connecting with people, nature, and animals. I love experiencing new foods, cultures, and traveling to new places. My imagination takes me out and about, so I get out of my comfort zone and explore!

I went down to Milwaukee, Wisconsin the other day with my husband and son. I met three new people that were simply amazing. One of them was a retired schoolteacher. She spent forty years teaching six graders. I wanted to encourage her; so I listened to her tell me about her life as a teacher of middle schoolers. She told me that since she's retired her health has turned poorly. The stress of the classroom and the children really took its toll on her body. Therefore, she said she was getting out and enjoying life for a change. We were sitting around sipping tea and sharing classroom experiences. I once served our public eduacation at one season of my life. I shared my experiences as well. It was a great time.

The other person I met was a former military spouse. We shared and exchanged stories, travels as military spouses, and raising children. No matter where you go in the world, military families have a bond like no other, priceless. And my final person was a couple who was from New York. I find out they were Southerners as we are Southerners. But like us, they migrated to other areas of the States. They also had adult children as we do. We shared stories and pictures about our adult children. It was a great time connecting, listening, and sharing our lives together. At one time, we all laughed so hard until we cried. What a time! People don't take the time to talk and listen to each other anymore as they use to do. It seems as if everybody is in a hurry going or coming. Slow down and appreciate the flowers in your life.

In any case, the food in Milwaukee was great. I had some of the best turkey burgers ever! And I had various chicken dishes cooked from the menus of expensive resturants. Too me, chicken is chicken no matter how many ways you cook it. The resturant's carrot cake were delicious; but not as good as what I've eaten in North Carolina. My neice Candice can send anyone home and back in the kitchen, when it comes to carrot cakes, she has spoiled me. Couldn't touch it! Overall, We all had a great time! The weather was perfect, and we got out and walked the downtown area. We say Lake Michigan; it is beautiful and huge. When we got back home, I was so glad to see my house. There is no place like home.

I have found in life that if you take the time to listen and hear what people are saying, you will find that your life will be enriched by them, as they are by your life. Now that summer is approaching, don't let life pass you by. Get out and explore the world. Show some kindness as you go and have a great summer!

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