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#Lost In A #World Of #Information

Writer's picture:  Cheryl J. Rountree Cheryl J. Rountree

Information, information, information. How much is too much information? The other day, I went on my Pinterest page, searching for a pound cake recipe. I was very overwhelmed with the number of different recipes and variations of pound cakes. Did you know that there are Million Dollar Pound Cakes, Red Velvet Pound Cakes, Sour Cream Pound Cakes, Southern Pecan Pound Cakes, Coconut Cream Pound Cakes, Buttermilk Pound Cakes, and Italian Lemon Pound Cakes and on and on? All this talk about pound cakes may make you hungry for your favorite cake. I spent an hour reading and comparing recipes to obtain the best pound cake recipe. You are probably wondering which one did I choose to make? I decided on the Million Dollar Pound Cake. It turned out very well, and it was delicious.

We are not talking about cake recipes. Are we? So, what are we talking about as we are looking forward?

Although we are in a world with masses of information at our fingertips, it can be an arduous journey. When you take it upon yourselves to discover the truth of a matter, it will be worth it to take your time before coming to your conclusion. They may include seeking knowledge and wisdom from those with more experience. Proverbs 24:6 says that " Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors, there is safety." Seek wise counsel from the Word of God. Pray and wait on the Lord before making a decision. Herein lies the benefit of having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and daily reading and studying the Word of God. We are more than ever in a season where everything we hear, do, or thinks needs to be weighed against the rightly divided Word of Truth. 

In recent months as I have been searching for accurate information on the Coronovirus-19, Black Lives Matter, the Election, the Economic, Social and Cultural Issues, I have discovered enormous misinformation everywhere. It wasn't easy to find credible sources, but I did. Too much information can send you spiraling down like a plane that just lost its engine in mid-air and tumbling down to earth rapidly. Stay level headed. What is the truth? I've repeatedly heard it said that information is power. Whoever controlled information controlled the outcome of a system, what you believe, and the outcome of history from generation to generation. Have you wondered what the story would have read if the lion was writing the story and not the hunter? I have. It is a matter of perspective.

I've learned quickly to research the primary source. Follow the source. Is it credible? Matthew 7: 15-20 says, "Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves. You will recognize them by their fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorns or figs from thistles, are they? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree to bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will recognize them by their fruit." In other words, what results are being produced from the tree's spoken and written words, its attitudes, and its behavior? Match it against the God's Truth, and the Spirit of God will lead you what to do.

For the believer in Christ and all who seek wisdom and understanding, the Book of Proverbs is the number one place to start. It offers spiritual depth to issues like learning the fear of the Lord. It teaches how to manage and to use money in the right context, learning how to identify real friendships, the dangers of adultery, and running from sexual impurities—acquiring wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from the Word of God is how to avoid the pitfalls of folly. This wisdom can also lead to a person's well-being, happy family relationships, fruitful labors, and will produce good standing in one's community. The Book of Proverbs is a practical book dealing with the art of godly living. It bases its practical wisdom solidly on the fear of the Lord.

What we need is not more information, but we need wisdom from God. Today, we are starving for the wisdom and understanding of God's Word, not more knowledge. To obtain peace of mind in these troubling times of disinformation, seek God first, and wait on Him to answer you. Truth mixed with half-truths and alternative facts are lies. If you seek the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your understanding and believe that He is, you will find Him. He will give you directions for your life for this present time, according to His will. The Spirit of Truth and Righteousness will guide you. Hold to God's unchanging hand. He knows what He is doing. You are going to be alright. As you read this blog, my challenge to you is to read the Book of Proverbs and meditate on the Words of wisdom within it. It will guide you on what to do in the coming months ahead of you. Selah.

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1 comentário

Natesha C.
07 de out. de 2020

God bless you, Mother! This post reminds me of the Schoolhouse Rock opening intro song - the part that goes "Because knowledge is power!" Because of that show's influence on my young impressionable mind, I believed knowledge was everything. I thought it was my ticket to a successful life. But now that I've grown up and learned a thing or two, I can say that while knowledge has its place, wisdom is much more important. I appreciate the reminder!

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