Hey.... this looks just like a giant silver bean! Do you think Jack left it here from the beanstalk? There are so many people here! Wow! You have to come see this. As a matter of fact, I saw this piece of art work on a movie scene. I am just loving it!

No....that's not me in the black and white dress! There were so many people on all sides of the bean, laugh out loud, we were all taking pictures of each other. I couldn't get a clear shot of us on any angle. But I loved the way the bean captures the reflection of the city in front of me on the top of it. It was a beautiful day.

My husband, son, and I went to Millennium Park in Chicago. What I liked about the experience was the rich source of people from every walk of life. This was my first time going to Chicago, I had reservations about the people and the traffic mostly. But when we got there, all my concerns about the people and traffic went away. Well, maybe not the traffic, it was a struggle on the freeway. But once we got to our destination, it was all worth it.
If you are like me, a lot of information you hear or read about Chicago can be mostly negative. It can send ones imagination and fears into overdrive. I must say that from my short time in Chicago, it made a good impression on me. I know. I am not an expert on the city nor do I live there. But I am just a tourist. However, remember my purpose for starting to write my blog. It was to experience the world around me, and learn from others, see from a different perspective and share. If you listen to only one voice from the same pond, that voice would have you believe that there is only one culture and one nationality in Chicago. But it is not so. You can't alway believe what you see or hear from a small pond. It can become stagnant and eventually poison the fishes in it.
I am glad I got over my fears and went to check it out for myself. This outing has added many positive memories of my visit there, we all had a great time! There are people from every nation, race, creed, religion, and political persuasion. The city is very large and full of wonderful collections of foods to sample. The wonderful art and diverse architecture make it a great adventurous outing. There is so much to see and do. Keep this in mind, you won't get to see it all the first time. Have a plan, and a map, and take it one small step at a time. One last thing, put on a good pair of comfortable shoes. Talk with you the next time out!

Look here! Look! That's me and my husband and son, I am taking a picture of our reflection from the bean. It's like a mirror. You can't help but take a picture of yourself. Smile!