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#Yellow Pants And Red High Heel Shoes

Writer's picture:  Cheryl J. Rountree Cheryl J. Rountree

While living in England in my younger years, my husband and I received our first duty station. We had been married for only about four months when we arrived. We lived in our first home on 32 Withipoll Street in a town name Ipswich. We spent much of our summer months touring England and meeting the residents. As we moved throughout the area, one of the beautiful things I came to appreciate about the English was their love for teatime, watercress and cucumber sandwiches, English biscuits (cookies), and drinking a cup of hot British tea from fine bone china. It was there that I learned to appreciate the finer things in life. To this day, I still drink my British tea in fine bone china. I love the simple things in life with a touch of class. Life was simple then, and it did not take much to make me happy.

We lived near a park on Christchurch Street. It was a stunning place on seventy acres of land escape with flowerbeds, plants, trees, and a large mansion from the sixteenth century in Christchurch Park. It had a pond because one could feed the ducks and swans. My husband and I would often spend our time in the park, people, and dog watching. We met other young couples, watch the English mothers caring for their children, and the many new mothers with babies in prams (baby carriage). If we were not at Christchurch Park on Saturdays, we would hop on the train and go down to London. I loved shopping in London. There were many shops, and their fashion was not like American fashion. Their clothes were always ahead of our style in the clothing industry. One good plus for me during that time was that I could wear their clothes. They were small, framed women as I was also. I was a hundred and eighteen pounds at five feet and seven inches tall. It is not like that today, laugh out loud. My favorite stores to shop were Debenhams and Harrods department store.

While living in England, we attended a small family church with a mixed English and American congregants congregation. I love my pastor and his wife. They got us through some tough times, especially when we could not have children. The church was so patient and sweet. They prayed for us and believed with us that I would receive the blessings of being a mother. Our faith was tested and stretched beyond measures. They helped us hold on to our trust and hope in the Lord Jesus. You know, you never know how God will choose to speak to you or who He will use to do so concerning your petitions.

One morning I took a walk to Ipswich downtown square. My spirit was low after receiving news from our Base lab that my test results were negative for a pregnancy test, yet again. I looked up ahead of me and saw a woman walking toward me wearing bright yellow pants and red high heel shoes. She was also carrying a straw handheld basket for shopping and wearing large sunglasses. I watched her as she walked toward me and saw her enter into a small flower shop. When I came near to the store she entered, she was walking out of the store when I reached the store. We spoke to one another and exchanged greetings. She was an English woman, and as we were talking, she began to share her struggles and troubles with me. Never did I think that she and I would have so much in common. After hearing her story, I realize that God works in mysterious ways. It was just what I needed. The woman in the bright yellow pants and red high heel shoes lifted my spirit by sharing her life story at a critical time in my life.

We lived in Ipswich, England, for four years. We soon moved back to the United States after our tour of duty was over. And within a year when we returned, we had our first child. The prayers of the Saints prevailed. After twenty years, we went back to visit our first pastor and his congregation on our second tour of duty to England. But this time, we were not alone. We presented to them the results of their many prayers, three teenage children. God is good. He is faithful to keep His promises. A change is coming, just like the seasonal changes in the earth. Prepare yourselves and be ready for it. There is a time a season for all things, as the Preacher speaks of in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Be encouraged. God loves you. Praying for you always.

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