One Sunday after church my husband and our son went out for Sunday lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. We were happy we beat the Sunday crowd and were shown to our seats quickly. In the area where the hostess seated us was our favorite waitress; we hadn't seen her in a couple of weeks. She quickly took our order and bought out drinks for our table. When she had a few minutes to spare, she came over again to chat with us. After a brief moment of catching up on our lives, we asked her how was things going for her?
She told us the most unbelievable story about people not having common sense and how people do not show respect to each other anymore. She told us how she got off from work and went home only to find people she didn't know sitting in her backyard, using her barbecue grill, sitting in her lawn chairs and were cooking food on her grill. She told us she was stunned. Here is how the story goes.
She said she came home in through the back gate of her home and when she saw the unwanted intruders, she asked them could she help them? They asked her could they help her, as if they lived there. She said she went to make a move toward her back door, and they asked her if they could help her again? She said she just smiled and said no, but can I help you? However, realizing the conversation wasn't going nowhere, she asked them who they were and what were they doing in her backyard? They got an attitude and said they wanted to know what she was doing in the backyard? She told them she lived there! They would not believe her and said their friend John lived there and they wanted her to leave.
She told them to prove to them that she lived in the home; she would take her key and open the back door of the house, which will prove to them she lives there. So...she did just that and what do you know? She lives there! But instead of the unwanted intruders apologizing for trespassing and showing some shame, they simply told her they would go when they finished cooking their food and eaten. Regardless of their error, they believed the homeowner was wrong for wanting to throw them off her property. Our friendly waitress who is mild mannered, said she told them to leave her home and take their food with them in a very stern voice. However, they just didn't get it. They believe she owed them something. They asked her if they could take her lawn chairs with them and would she mind putting their food in a to go box or something? The shear gall of some people, can you believe this story?
My husband and I comforted our friendly waitress; we could tell it really shook her up. The intruders left with their food and without her lawn chairs, and she didn't have to call the police. You know, you never know what people are going through. After hearing her ordeal, we made sure she was well taken care of in tips, to put a little extra sunshine in her day, for all she endured from people who apparently had no common sense or respect. Â Wow! Be kind to one another. Respect one another and their property. Please take the time to listen to each other. You never know what is troubling people. Listen and encourage others. Have a great day.Â