Years ago when my husband and I lived in England, there was a television sitcom on BBC Television called "Last Of The Summer Wine." It was a show about three elderly Englishmen who got into mischief on youthful misadventures, as if they were teenagers. The show was shot in West Yorkshire, England. It was really funny in those days. I often wondered about the title of the sitcom and its meaning. Because I was a very young person in those days, I thought it was about three elderly men seeking to find wine and getting into trouble in doing so. But as I have gotten older and have many life experiences, I know now that that was not the case. When you get a chance watch some of the episodes, it is very good and funny. Although, I must warn you, the Brits (British) have a very dry sense of humor, at least in those days. I really grew an appreciation for the elderly. Are you the last of the summer wine of your generation?
As I sit here today, I am reflecting on life as I once knew it and as I know it now. I have discovered I love the simple things in life. Traveling to so many countries and visiting many cities in the United States has made me appreciate it even more. As I am thankful for the older generation ahead of me, I appreciate my generation and the generation behind me as well.
Have you noticed how each generation believes they are the last generation to behave exceptionally righteous and morally outstanding than the next generation? When I was younger, I told myself I would not make the same statements as the previous generation said about my generation. However as life goes on, it is amazing how you discover how little you do know. What's really crazy is you don't understand life until you have lived life through some trials and struggles. They teach you that the struggle is real! Can I get a witness?
Life is eye opening. When your eyes are opened, you are "Woke" to life. Which brings me to this point. Each generation is the last of their summer wine, how did you pour out your wine? Did you squander it or did you share it to make the lives of others better? Did you share it to make merry among friends, family, and strangers that entered into your circle of life? Wine gets better with age and is to be consumed slowly to appreciate the aroma and fullest of its taste. When the old wine is gone, do you have younger wine waiting to replace it? So that the younger wine can be served in its time to others, you know we are really not talking about wine? Think on it. You will get it if you haven't already.
As we older folks move on in life and are making room for the younger folks, ask yourselves these thought provoking questions: Is our younger generation full of good wine? Did we do our best to teach them to love one another and care for one another? Did we teach them that the most important things in life are God, family, and friends? Have we taught them to grow grapes, harvest grapes, care for the vineyard, and how to make fine wine with patience? Like grapes in clusters on vines on a hot summer day, have we taught them to bear the heat, stay together as one people? Have we given the best of our summer wine? Are you or we the last of the summer wine of your generation? Just a serious look at summer coming to an end and a new season beginning, time will tell.
Love conquers all! Go laugh, love, and live with your friends and families. Like the characters in the sitcom "Last Of The Summer Wine," never let your adventure for having fun in life ever stop. You only live once! Be created and go for it!
