Five, six, seven, eight, the curtains lifted, and music's sound was heard in the air by the audience. All the dancers were in their places. They started turning, jumping, and leaping to the rhythm of the music's beat as it poured from the speakers in the room. Lacey was the lead dancer, and everyone's' eyes were on her as they waited for her cue for the other dancers to enter into her solo performance. Her performance was flawless. She lifted her eyes and tilted her head slightly to the right, while counting her timing inwardly, and sprang forward from the floor in the air. The right turn of her head was the signal all the dancers waited to see. They all surrounded her and covered her with pink feathery large fans, dancing gracefully around her until the sound of the music ended. The audience applauded, and they all bowed their heads.

Lacey could hardly believe it; she made it through the last performance of her career as a professional dancer. And this night was especially meaningful to her because it was exactly three years ago, she nearly lost her life in a car accident. Lacey was driving home from a party with her best friend, Cynthia. The two of them had been through a lot in their personal lives, married, divorced, economic struggles, and sometimes wondering where they would get their next meal. They became friends while working at a restaurant waiting on tables. At the time, they both were trying to get by as they performed at the city's performing art theaters. Lacey and Cynthia looked out for one another. They had remained great friends through the years since their lives had changed from when they first met.
At one point in their friendship, Lacey went through a dark time with an addiction to drugs. As Lacey struggled with an addiction to drugs, some of her family and friends did not want to accept that she had an addiction. Whenever they came together, they all avoided the conversation. Lacey’s drug addiction was the pink elephant in the room. It wasn't until she almost overdosed that the family helped by intervening and dealt with the undeniable pink elephant in her life. At first, she denied it, but after hearing their concerns and experiences from other family members who had similar problems, she agreed to receive treatment. It was a long process, but she got through it.
Cynthia and her family were there for Lacey and helped her attend her rehab and accountability group meetings. It was a difficult time, but in that same year, she gave her heart to the Lord Jesus and became a member of Cynthia's local church for further support. Lacey had been free of drugs for eight years and became an active member of the community.
Lacey reflected upon her life as Thanksgiving was five days away. She was thankful for much. As Lacey thought about it, she realized that God had blessed her with her family, new friends, and a church family. Life had a purpose. She took a deep breath and breathed out slowly while sitting in her car outside the restaurant. She was waiting for a group of friends there for a holiday celebration of her closing dance performance at the Central Royale Theatre. She said a quick prayer to the Lord by saying, "Lord, you are so good to me. Thank you for saving me and giving me a new chance in life. Without you, I would not have made it. You saved me. Thank you for giving me the gift of life. I am grateful. I love you, Lord." When she looked up, her friends were calling for her as they all were entering the restaurant. Lacey jumped out of her car and caught up with her friends as they greeted her with warm smiles, hugs, and congratulatory greetings.

Your life story may not be like Lacey's story. However, we all can identify with the reality of some form of struggle and suffering. But through it all, the Lord will bring us through it and has so in the past. We may not be through the Pandemic or our suffering, but one thing is for sure, God is with us. His Word tells us that He will never leave us or abandon us. Recently, I have been counting my blessings. Though this year has not turned out like anything I ever thought or dreamed it would be, I am thankful. It has made me realigned my life and focused on what truly matters in life. I am grateful for the gift of life, family, and friends. I am thankful for all my spiritual children that the Lord has allowed me to be a mother to them. The Lord has bought us a long way, and He did not leave us comfortless or without help. Thank you, Jesus. Remember to keep each other in prayer.
This year's celebration for Thanksgiving Day will be different than what we have known from previous years of celebration. If you are like me and many others, you will not be traveling for the holidays or celebrating with large gatherings of family and friends. It is okay; we will make it through it together. I do not know about you. But I will make my many rounds of
FaceTime and Zoom visitations with my family and friends on that day. I cannot wait to see the different versions of apple pies and pecan pies.
If you are single, we have a virtual place for you at the table! Join in on the virtual family board games. Thank the Lord God for technology; this is going to be fun! The virtual games are on for a family and friend feud! Have fun planning for your events and prizes. Give thanks with a grateful heart. Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!