Glory be to God, and we are on our second week of March. I know some may be wondering whether March will go out with a roar. I don't know about coming in like a lamb, but it sure has come in rainy and windy. I have a quick question to ask you. Do you like rainy days? It all depends doesn't. If it is in April or May, I love rainy days because I know the rain will help my flowers to grow, and Spring will be here when the flowers and trees have blossomed. And that can only mean one thing, warmer weather! It's been a long winter, and I know you probably need a change so you can spend more time outside in the fresh air. Much is happening in our world and has happened. But this day, I want to encourage you. I am feeling a little light-hearted and feel full of joy and peace. So, I am going to spread some joy around.

Let's get back to the present condition of our rainy day outside, rainy days are wet, cold, and dreary. For some of us, we would instead not go out, and for others, it is a time of reflection as you move about from place to place, carrying on the daily happenings of the day. You love it! But rainy days on Mondays always makes us feel less motivated to get up and conquer our world. As the old song says, "Rainy Days On Mondays Always Get Me Down."
And did I not mention that this rainy day on Monday fell on the day after our time clocks have just "Spring Forward" to accommodate us for daylight saving times. I don't know about you, but that memo was not sent to my sleepy head when I woke up on Sunday. I realized that my "Spring Forward" motion is going to take a few days for me to do. Before the reality of my physical existence catches up with the reality of springing forward and enjoying another year of daylight savings time, I will have to put in another plan. This "Spring Forward" another hour is not natural. Where do we sign a petition that says no more daylight savings time initiative, laugh out loud?

The good thing about rainy days on Mondays is it always makes me slow down and think about how good life is. When I am on the inside listening to the rain, as it comes down upon the roof, I hear a melody of the music playing in my heart and mind. That melody opens up a world of creativity like its never been before. The music makes me feel happy on the inside. I've noticed that my work goes faster and easier. I am relaxed and calm, like the tempo around me.
It is Monday! No need to rush and be all stressed out about things beyond our control. Thank God for the rain. It brings peace by causes many of us to focus on slowing ourselves down to adjust to the outside environment. At the same time, we groove to our favorite music. Yes, nothing like peace of mind on a Monday while driving to work or school or working from home. Being a believer in Christ Jesus, I give Him the praise. And when I praise Him, by the time I am at the office or working from home goes more peaceful and cooperatively with my comrades at work.
Here is my rainy days on Monday Scripture: "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8 KJV)
Because of the rain, it can be your most productive day. Be determined to enjoy the rain and the peace of it. Why? Because if it weren't raining on the outside, we would not have taken the time to hear each other. One last Scripture from Matthew 6:34, "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." (KJV)
Laugh a little. Smile a little. Give a little love to someone who needs it today. I pray you have been encouraged today. Enjoy your day!