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#The Blue Room Cafe'

Writer's picture:  Cheryl J. Rountree Cheryl J. Rountree

It is another month, and Kim is already anticipating her visit to The Blue Room Cafe. Since her last visit there, she has experienced many challenging events. But knowing that she will soon be there in a few more days gives her a sense of peace and a boost of confidence. Kim lives in a studio apartment above the Old Market on the corner of twenty-fifth and Downing. While looking over the downtown area, Kim's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing in the background. She turns and walks to the small dinette table and picks up her phone. It was a call from Lashonda, executive producer of Jolt, a new trendy women's clothes shop. Lashonda called to informed Kim that Jolt hired her for the new position as a graphic designer. Kim could not wait to tell her friends. So, she group texted them all to share the good news.

After Kim's new job career announcement, the day finally arrived for her monthly rendezvous at The Blue Room Cafe. She got up early and took special care in how she would present herself for her unique encounter. She took her shower, looked in the closet, and took out a blue skirt and a multi-colored long-sleeved blouse. After looking in the mirror to check for its fit, she put on her favorite red lipstick. It was perfect; she thought to herself. The last touch was to put on her blue heels. She walked to the door and went downstairs, where there was a taxi waiting for her. Once in the cab, the driver asked, "Where to ma' am?" Kim replied The Blue Room Cafe.

When she arrived at the cafe, the place had a steady stream of customers going and coming from it. She was met at the cafe entrance by one of the hostesses and was lead through the cafe to a reserved room called The Blue Room. When the hostess opens the doors, Linda met Kim with the smiles of twelve women. They come together every month for lunch, fellowship, prayer, and sharing readings from their special book of the month. Each book told the stories of women who all suffered challenges and who are overcomers.

Linda called to order the gathering and opened in prayer, and gave a word of thanks before they all order their food. The Blue Room Cafe was famous for its pastries, rich coffee and tea, and breakfast and lunch cuisines. The Blue Room Cafe was named its unique name because there were several blue rooms with different designs reserved for special group occasions. The ladies caught up on the happening in their lives since last month's encounter. Rejoicing to hear each triumph they all made from the many challenges that came against them, Linda announced that they would be adjourning to the adjacent room where they shared their experiences, wisdom, and concerns about women's issues. Twelve women, some aged, young, married, and single. Kim was an introvert, so a group of this size was just what she needed. In some way, each one of them had suffered some form of brokenness at one point in their lives.

Lydia stood and addressed the group by saying, "When women come together with a common cause and purpose, they can change their world. There is something special when women come together. Because of the things we've suffered, we come together to comfort, encourage, and receive knowledge, wisdom, and understanding from the Word of God. For over a year, we have met, and we can all attest that God's power and Word truly heal and are for us today."

They helped to restore them to a place of a new beginning. They flourished as a group and individually. In the last three months, the group has read books about a woman who lost her husband, and debtors were coming to take all she had. There was another book in which they read about infidelity in the marriage, and a child resulted from it. Also, they learned of a woman who was an outcast by all the women in her town. For months, the ladies had been sharing, listening, encouraging, praying, and caring for one another. The anchor to the soul of their gatherings was "The Word of God."

Lydia and the women shared and searched the scripture, and laughed together about the goodness of God. Kim was the newest woman to join the group. After hearing the other women's stories and how God had given them a new life, Kim opened up to the other women. She shared some of her past old life. She knew she had found a safe place to be herself around committed women who lived and knew the love of Christ. They genuinely cared. At one time, they were me, and now, I am one of them, women of God full of His grace.

Take comfort women of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are loved. Although the story is fictional, the love of God is not. When women come together with a common cause and purpose, they can change their world. There is something special when women come together. Be kind to one another. We all are a work in progress in Christ.

God has given us the power of the Holy Ghost and His Word to heal each other. As women, let us speak life to one another and encourage one another. We all need a place like The Blue Room Cafe and a group of women we can trust and feel loved and appreciated by them. We all need women who we can trust and feel safe with our most intimate thoughts without condemnation. Be a good sister to another sister in Christ and listen. Try to place yourselves in their shoes and remember we were all once sinner saved by grace, working out our salvation with fear and trembling before God. It is possible to have a gathering like that at The Blue Room Cafe for women. Women have such meetings monthly all over the nation in the love of Christ. And although we are in a pandemic, we can meet in "The Virtual Blue Room Cafe" until such time when God lifts the virus. We can do this with the help of the Lord. Reach out and show the love of Christ. I will be starting "The Virtual Blue Room Cafe." If you are interested, contact me.

For your reading, read Acts 16: 12-15, 40; Psalm 139:14 and 1 John 4:7-21.

For further reading about Lydia, click on the link:

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